Saturday 13 July 2024

Plain text files: TXT


TXT, along with DOCX, is one of the most common formats handled by Wordy. When a client pastes text into Wordy or types directly into the edit box, Wordy creates a TXT file for the editor to download. Users can also directly upload plain text documents with the file extension TXT. Plain text documents can be created with a text editor such as Notepad or apps such as MS Word.

TXT files do not support any form of formatting, figures, tracked changes or comments. They can be useful if the text has to be subsequently loaded into another system, such as a blogging, email or desktop publishing application like InDesign. Otherwise, however, you may find that it is easier to create your content in a word processing application such as MS Word and upload a DOCX to Wordy.

Your editor is likely to edit the document using word processing software such as Microsoft Word to take advantage of the built-in spelling and grammar checking. So, if you would prefer to receive the edited document in a different format, such as DOCX or PDF, send them a message. If you opt for DOCX, the document can have tracked changes.

Once editing is complete, your editor will upload the edited document to Wordy. The document could include comments or author queries, highlighted in some way depending on the format. Alternatively, your editor may post queries as messages in the job page in Wordy.

Wordy has a built-in comparison feature for TXT files, which is somewhat crude but effective. Alternatively, use a comparison app like WinMerge.

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